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Prestige Plastic Products Ltd
7 Redhills Road Ind Est
South Woodham Ferrers

Tel: 01245 425906
Fax: 01245 425907




Suction Units                        

Since developing our Suction Units, initially for the signage industry, our customer base has increased considerably.
We now supply our Suction Units Worldwide and not only for the Signage Industry, but also for the Motor trade, for domestic use, Universities and fishing to name just a few.  We have full certification of  BS EN ISO9001:2008
Whatever your industry, if you have an application problem, let Prestige Plastic Products help you to solve it using our Suction Units. Put us to the test! 
Give Prestige Plastic Products your application problems* and allow us to solve them promptly and at a price you will not believe.
Our completely recyclable and weatherproof product is affordable, flexible and so easy to use, who could want more?
Bookmark Prestige Plastic Products and come back to see us regularly.
Our Suction Units are growing from week to week with different concepts

Operating Instructions

By manually turning a key a vacuum is created between the base of the product and any non-porous, smooth surface, to which the product is being applied.

Once applied, the key/s can be removed, rendering the product tamper-proof.  At close of business, it can either be left in situ or removed and then reapplied at leisure.

It is capable of withstanding all weather conditions including heat waves and flash floods and can easily hold a banner weight of 5kg. Our suction units do not require any additional fixing bolts, brackets or tools and can be positioned anywhere where there are non-porous surfaces. (E.G. glass, marble, Tile etc…)

* Other lengths can be supplied upon request.


Double Suction Banner Holder

 Standard clevis
& flat insert

Threaded Insert & Threaded Bar

(Banners/flags not supplied)

Coming soon!!


Temporary Number plate Holder

Product Description

Suction UnitsDouble Suction Banner Holder 
                       Product Code: DBH-500

The DBH-500 comes supplied with two Suction Units and bridging strut (already assembled), two locking keys, a banner pole (500mm*) and an end cap.
It is classed as a temporary sign, which requires no planning permission when installing.  Can be used internally or externally and has been tested in all weather conditions, from Flash-floods, storms and freezing temperatures to heat waves.

Case Study #1

The single suction unit was left on test for 18 months without removal.  It was applied externally to a glass window.  A nylon cord was attached and fixed the opposite end to a garden fence post.  The application was a washing line which easily took a full load of wet towels on a regular basis.  In the time period, no movement was reported nor suction failure.  After the 18 month period expired, the suction unit was removed, cleaned using clean dishwater and left to 'rest' for 12 hours.  When reapplied, the results were the same.



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